Articles tagged as "Allan Gray Stable Fund"
2025: Risk remains heightened around the world
Following a year that saw political regimes shift in many parts of the world, investors need to brace themselves for a period of elevated risk as geopolitica...
Expanding our range with the Allan Gray Interest and Income funds
We have recently introduced two new funds to our offering – the Allan Gray Interest Fund and Allan Gray Income Fund. The addition of these funds broadens our...
2024: What will the election year hold?
From macroeconomic decisions to political outcomes, markets – and sentiment – can be temporarily influenced by various external factors. If 2023 will be...
Risk: An essential ingredient for real long-term returns
When it comes to investing, no investor wants to lose money. In fact, as humans, we have a built-in aversion to loss. Unfortunately, by overly focusing on...
Are low-equity funds relevant in today’s investment universe?
Low-equity unit trusts provide cautious protection against a falling market. Martine Damonse, investment specialist in the ManCo Distribution team, discusses...
Equities matter – even for a cautious investor
In recent years, we have witnessed investors on our platform moving their assets away from low-equity funds to funds that have little to no equity exposure...
Was 2022 a secular turning point and if so, what does it mean for the years ahead?
In his first investment update of 2023, Duncan Artus discusses the current investment context and how it differs from the past, shares a review of 2022 and...
Investing – risky business?
Understanding your investments, and the risks you may face when investing, can go a long way towards helping you successfully navigate trying times. Lydia...
Understanding the impact of the Ukraine crisis on your investments
Like everyone else, we have been watching with dismay as the war in Ukraine unfolds. While in this piece we address some of the economic and investment...
Preparing for more uncertainty and volatility
A look back over the last two years reveals how difficult forecasting is. Even with perfect foresight of the pandemic context, one would not have been able t...
How we approach fixed interest
Aside from our dedicated local fixed interest funds, being the Allan Gray Money Market Fund and the Allan Gray Bond Fund, we also invest in fixed interest...
In pursuit of value
The current disparity in markets, both locally and offshore, is creating an opportunity for bottom-up investors like ourselves to generate meaningful returns...
Woolworths: Not so down under
Most of you will be more than familiar with the fashion, beauty, home and food offering of retailer Woolworths, affectionately referred to as Woolies, and on...
Investment update: Taking advantage of disparities in the market
One of the key preconditions for successful active management is the level of disparity in the markets. Duncan Artus discusses this in our first video and...
The Stable Fund at 20
With an allocation to assets such as equities being key to long-term growth, even for more conservative investors, we believe the Allan Gray Stable Fund...
Prospects look promising
Disappointing short-term performance has had a dampening effect on longer-term numbers. Looking at similar periods in our history provides useful context and...
Allan Gray Stable Fund turns 20
Over the last two decades, the Allan Gray Stable Fund has built a solid track record through dynamic asset allocation, bottom-up stock-picking and mindful ri...
Perspectives and portfolio positioning amid COVID-19
The world as we know it has changed dramatically over the last two months, with the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown strategies causing extreme volatility on t...
Coronavirus: Taking stock of the state of the markets
The world is changing extremely fast. The global business shutdown is unlike anything seen outside wartime. It is impossible to know the length or depth of t...
Making sense of current market conditions
The current market volatility is understandably causing investors much stress. Andrew Lapping examines the impact of coronavirus and the drop of the oil pric...
How to construct a portfolio for a range of outcomes
The future is extremely uncertain. This isn’t because of any particular global situation; it is always the case. This is why it is important that we build...
Reflecting on our top equity holdings
The performance of the Allan Gray Equity, Balanced and Stable funds has been disappointing over the past couple of years. Low single-digit returns from...
Valuations matter
Uncertainty abounds at present. Equity returns for the past few years have been underwhelming, political upheaval locally and internationally is causing wave...
Stable Fund: Are we meeting our objectives?
The investment environment over the last few years has been particularly challenging, causing the Stable Fund’s return to be more volatile than it has been...
The year of payback
Excess returns from the FTSE/JSE All Share Index (ALSI) relative to cash have disappointed over the last five years, with cash now outperforming, on average....
Finding opportunity in the volatility
The first quarter proved to be a difficult one with the Allan Gray Equity, Balanced and Stable Funds all delivering negative returns. The most significant...
How has your investment been impacted by the fall in the price of Steinhoff?
Global retailer Steinhoff International Holdings NV’s share price had fallen 86.9% by close of trade on Friday 8 December, following CEO Markus Jooste’s...
Stable Fund update: Justifying a higher net equity weighting in challenging times
Local inflation and interest rates have peaked in the current cycle and South Africa had its first interest rate cut in five years during the quarter. While...
How our unit trusts are positioned for the current environment
The net equity exposure of our flagship unit trusts matches our risk appetite in those unit trusts and the asset allocation is managed accordingly...
Stable Fund update: Finding value in SA equities
South Africa has a history of political uncertainty. The 15 months since the removal of Nhlanhla Nene as finance minister in December 2015 have been a stark...
Stable Fund update: An uneventful quarter
After the volatility of the previous 12 months, the quarter to the end of September was surprisingly peaceful, with generally muted asset class returns. The...
How to be a better long-term investor
Is your behaviour standing in the way of your investment success? Shaheed Mohamed helps us become more aware of common biases so that we can adjust our...
How to think about the rand when making investment decisions
Over the last few years we have been concerned about the strength of the rand and our portfolios have been positioned for currency weakness. One of our...
Stable Fund update: How to invest in ‘interesting’ times
‘May you live in interesting times' is an English expression which many believe to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. The expression seems to...
Interim investor update
Some clients have asked for an update on how well their investments are doing in the current very volatile market. It’s risky to respond until things have...
The upside to downside protection
Warren Buffet famously said that there are two rules when investing, 'Rule No.1: Never lose money, Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.' Shaun Duddy discusses...
Stable Fund: Safeguarding our clients' capital is our core focus
When we launched the Allan Gray Stable Fund (the Fund) 15 years ago, we hoped that it would provide clients with returns that were competitive with bank...
The impact of events relating to African Bank on Allan Gray Unit Trusts
African Bank’s failure has had a small, negative impact on our Allan Gray Equity, Balanced and Stable Funds. In this GrayIssue we attempt to address a broad...
How to ensure your retirement income goes the distance
It is only a number of years into retirement that the consequences of decisions made early on begin to show. If you are nearing retirement , or you are in...
Looking back at 2011 and preparing for the years ahead
South Africa has thus far been spared the crushing austerity measures affecting Europe. Three important factors have been in our favour so far: a decade of...
Foreign exposure in the Allan Gray Stable Fund
The long-term track record of the Allan Gray Stable Fund shows returns well ahead of its benchmark and satisfactory capital stability. Nevertheless, the Fund...
The Stable Fund completes a decade
The Allan Gray Stable Fund celebrated its 10-year anniversary on 1 July. This is a good time to reflect on how the Fund has performed over its first 10 years...